The time has come! The Big Jim chillis have ripened, so what to do with them?
Well how about stuffed and battered! And the size of them you won't need many for a meal, so lets give it a go.
Here they are, the largest is about ten inches in length and they are rated at about 1,000 Scoville units so not particularly hot.
Most recipes call for them to be cooked over a flame first to remove the skins and then remove the seeds, but I'm going to leave the seeds in.
So first job is to knock up some batter, I got the recipe from the internet and the reviews said is was a bit thin. I didn't find this at all and it covered the chilli and stuck to it quite well, so It's a recipe I'd recommend.
Your going to need..... 1/2 cup all purpose flour
1/4 cup cornstarch/corn flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup of water
1 beaten egg
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
Mix the flour, cornstarch, baking powder and salt together in a mixing bowl. Then add the water, egg and oil and mix well, then leave to stand for about half an hour.
Now onto the chillis! I cut the green tops off and then slit them all along one side. I didn't go right to the end and that way the chilli seems to close and keep the innards in place. This time I chose to keep the seeds in.
Next step is to stuff the chillis. I went for cream cheese this time, but you can put what ever you fancy in there.
With the chillis all stuffed it's just a case of dipping them in the batter and frying them. We use a deep fryer but if you don't have one a large frying pan or wok will do. Put about 1inch to 1.5inches of oil in the pan. The oil needs to be really hot, give your chillis about two minutes per side until the batter is a crisp golden brown.
And there you have a nice starter or nibble food you can knock up for a party, they should be enjoyed by everyone and the possibilities are endless when it comes to what to stuff and what to stuff them with. So give it a go.
You can watch the video here
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