Here's a different take on the good old chicken breast. Why not open it up, stuff it and then wrap it in Bacon.
Sound like a good idea? Trust me, they are lovely.
As with any of these recipes that calls for you to stuff something. The world is your Oyster! Only your imagination limits what you can put in there.
Tina is a dab hand at making these and this last time she made them I asked her to put a Scotch Bonnet chilli in mine, that gave it some serious heat!
This recipe will feed two, if you need more you can just adjust the ingredients to suit.
You will need:
2 Chicken breasts
6 Rashers of bacon/jambon sec
Raclette cheese, you can use cream cheese or any other cheese.
1 Scotch Bonnet chilli (optional)
Method/ How Tina does it.
Open up the chicken breast, scoring the side of it with a knife to flatten it out.
Put the cheese and optional chilli on top of the chicken breast. Then roll it so the filling is inside.
Lay out two rashers of Bacon and place the chicken breast on them, wrap the breast with the bacon. Now use the third piece of bacon and wrap in the other direction and tuck it in underneath.
That should hold it all together. If you bacon is being a bit tricky and doesn't want to hold it, you can use a cocktail stick through the lot.
Next she places the wrapped breast in a piece of Aluminum foil and pops it into a pre heated oven (200ºc/400ºf gas mark 6) for about forty mins.
Then serve it up and enjoy.
Serving suggestion: small rosti style potatoes and roasted Brocolli
You can try many different variations. Using a variety of Bacon to different fillings.
The cheese and chilli is one of my favourites and the one I always seem to go back to. Try it for yourselves.
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